Our Clergy
The Most Reverend Mark D. Haverland, Ph.D., is Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the South and Metropolitan of the Original Province of the Anglican Catholic Church. We always look forward to a visit from our bishop.
Email: dosbp@aol.com
The Reverend Canon Sanford R. Sears, O/SB, is the Rector of the Church of the Holy Guardian Angels. He is a native New Englander but glad to be in Florida. He is a former teacher, retired Active Duty Coast Guard Officer, and is a caretaker to several old cars. He was ordained in Colombia, South America where he met his wife Erika.
Email: fathersears@yahoo.com
The Rev Fr. Dennis Demes, O/OSB
email: demesD@yahoo.com
The Rev. Winston Barker
The Rev. Deacon Daniel C Henderson email: danchar2@org
Our Staff
Douglas West ( Our Talented Organist)
Our Vestry
The business affairs of the parish are conducted by a vestry consisting of nine members of the parish elected at the Annual Meeting for three-year terms. A Senior and a Junior Warden, appointed and elected respectively, to be the spokesman and property caretaker. A Clerk and Treasurer are elected and several committees are appointed by the rector and the vestry to handle the day-to-day functions needed to run the parish.