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Volunteer your time and talents:
There are always ways at Saint John’s to give back to the church and community: serving as a lay leader; organizing coffee hour; making meals for others; serving as a greeter on Sunday mornings; helping at an event, such as our summer fair; helping change light bulbs, or even flower bulbs for that matter. Contact the parish office to discuss ways for you to connect and contribute meaningfully to the life of our church.
Make a Pledge Online
You can now make a pledge to Holy Guardian Angels in Lantana Florida at any time using our Online Pledge Card. This form does not require you to disclose any financial information–it is simply the electronic version of the traditional pledge card.
Sunday Offering
Every Sunday “we offer our selves, our souls and bodies” to God, in the words of the Communion prayer. At the offertory, we demonstrate our gratitude to God in support of Holy Guardian Angels through our offerings. Simply place your offering in the plate during the service. If you are paying with a check, or do not need a record of your giving, an envelope is not necessary.
Mail your gift:
Holy Guardian Angels
c/o Treasurer
1325 Cardinal Ln,
Latana, Fl 33462
Automated Transfer:
Check with your local bank for this option. Most banks have automated bill-pay services that you can activate yourself. Set up an automatic bill-pay directed to Holy Guardian Angels’ Or contact the parish office to inquire about setting up an auto withdrawal from your savings or checking account.