Please note that we have a new time of meeting in the main church on Sundays. Morning Prayer will start promptly at 8:45 in the side chapel, the Chapel of King Charles the Martyr followed by Mass in the main church at 9 am. Coffee hour will follow Mass in the parish hall. Evening Prayer will be at 5:15 on Thursday in the Chapel of King Charles the Martyr followed by Mass.
Sunday Morning Prayer 8:45 am
Sunday Morning Mass 9 am
Thursday Evening Prayer 5:15 pm Mass 5:30 Charles the Martyr Chapel
Daily Morning Prayer (as announced) 8 am Charles the Martyr Chapel
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Please let us pray
Heavenly Father, we pray for those suffering from COVID 19 for which at present there is no cure. Give them the victory of trust and hope, that they may never lose their faith in your loving purpose. We pray for the healthcare providers who demonstrate great care and commitment as they go to work each day. We pray for all our parishioners at Holy Guardian Angels Church, our Diocese and members of the Anglican Catholic Church and all other Continuing Anglican Churches knowing that many of our members are aged and susceptible to the ravages of COVID 19. We pray for all who minister to them as we continue to pray for all world-wide. Grant your wisdom to all who are working to discover a vaccine for this disease and the realization that through You all things are possible. We ask in the Name of Him who went about doing good and healing all manner of disease. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Let me remind you that this Sunday Palm Sunday that there will be drive-up Holy Communion and distribution of palms. I remind you to continue to send your Pledges in, the church unfortunately still must operate and keep abreast of our financial obligations.
We have some links for the following Holy Guardian sites on YOUTUBE, that include Stations of the Cross, prayers by Deacon Dan Henderson, and a Palm Sunday Mass. Barring technical difficulties and being cognizant of the “stay at home order” by government authorities we hope to film Benediction, Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. I will advise you as to the service times, though I cannot encourage you to attend and it will be limited attendance. I will have Easter Mass for those who wish to attend, again I must urge you not to attend, and I must limit the number. Mass will be in the chapel at 8 am in the morning on Easter Day. Please consider the alternative of watching the video online as stated I do not encourage to attend and we all must be concerned as to our health and welfare. Here are the links to the church You Tube Page links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxfNmg6rTCLwYg-Y2_AlxKg?disable_polymer=true
Stations of the cross: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jg-WDwJ0Cio&t=65s
A Prayer for Recovery: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqWsw14Wuyo
Father Sandy praying for the Seafarers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmLSaeHmF5g&t=59s
Mass for Palm Sunday and other services for the Holy Week will be posted today in the same youtube channel. We also have other Social media sites.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/holyguardianangelsfl.org/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holyguardianangelschurch/
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/402769837
twitter: https://twitter.com/HGAngelsACC
Father Sandy
[email protected]
[email protected]