Litany for Church Growth, Almighty God, eternal Father, grant to thy Church in all the world unity and peace. Where it is persecuted for thy name, strengthen it; and enable it to proclaim thy Gospel to all nations, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Bless the bishops and all ministers of thy Church, (* especially Mark our bishop) that they with all who serve thy Church may faithfully tend thy flock, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Bless those who rule the nations of the world, that we may have peace; and especially . . . , our President, and all in authority in this land, that they may govern us in justice and truth, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Direct and prosper agriculture, industry and commerce, and grant to all engaged therein that they may work together in justice and brotherhood, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Grant thy blessing to our homes, that love and purity may flourish, and our children and youth be reared in reverence for thy holy name, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Grant to all who teach, and influence the minds of men, and to all who learn and hear, the light of thy Holy Spirit, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Heal the sick (* especially . . . ) and help all who minister to them. Defend the traveller, comfort the sorrowful, aid those who are in trouble, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Bless all who are gathered here to worship thee; all our absent brethren (* especially . . . ) and all catechumens of thy Church, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Grant to all unbelievers (* especially those who do not have Our Lord Jesus in their hearts and those separated from thy Church, that their ears and their hearts may be opened, and that they may turn to thee, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Rejoicing in the Communion of Saints, we give thanks to thee for all thine elect who have departed this life in thy faith. Grant that, with them, we may rejoice in thine eternal glory, we beseech thee, O Lord.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
Grant these petitions, O Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.
Let us pray to our Father in heaven.
That his Church may be granted unity, and that all nations may have peace: let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us O Lord.
For the ministers of the Church, and for all the faithful: let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us O Lord.
For the rulers of the nations, and especially for our President and his ministers: let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us O Lord.
For all in danger, for the sick, for the needy and the sorrowful, that they may be delivered: let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us O Lord.
That, together with all who have departed in the Lord (*especially . . . ) we may rejoice in the glory of his heavenly kingdom: let us pray to the Lord.
Hear us O Lord.
Or: Almighty God, merciful Father, who hast commanded intercessions to be made for all men, we pray thee to direct thy holy Church, that it may abide and grow in unity and in its witness throughout the world, and that our faith may increase. Grant we beseech thee, that we may dwell in peace and have thy blessing in our work. Give grace to our government, that it may lead us aright, and that evil may not overtake us. Be thou the helper of all in need, sickness and distress. Grant that, together with all who have departed in the Lord (* especially . . . ), we may rejoice in the glory of thy heavenly kingdom. Grant these things, O Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Mediator and Advocate. Amen.